Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund

Professur für GIS und Fernerkundung
Mail Jan-Peter.Mund(at)
Phone (mobile) +49 3334 657-189
Ort Waldcampus | Alfred-Möller-Straße 1 | 16225 Eberswalde
Raum 11.317
Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung

Lehrgebiete / Aufgabenbereiche


  • Co-Leiter des M.Sc. Studiengangs "Forest Information Technology" (M.Sc. Forest Information Technology)


  • Module der geografischen Informationssysteme (GIS) und Fernerkundung in mehreren Studiengängen (B.Sc.: International Forest Ecosystem Management, Forstwirtschaft; M.Sc.: Forest Information Technology, Forestry System Transformation, Biosphere Reserves Management)


  • Forestry 4.0 / Forst 4.0 / Presision Forestry
  • UAV / UAS application
  • LiDAR and photogrammetric point clouds
  • Multispectral Time Series Analysis
  • Digital Forest Inventories and environmental monitoring

Akademischer Werdegang


Forschungsprofessur an der Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.

Mitgliedschaften und Gremientätigkeiten

Mitglied des "Biosphere Reserves Institutes" (BRI) an der HNEE



Charcoal heaps volume estimation based on unmanned aerial vehicles

Esteves de Carvalho, Luiza Marina ; Melo, Alessandra ; de Matos Umbelino, Glauco José ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Gomes dos Santos, Jhonathan ; Rosette, Jacqueline ; Silveira, Daniel ; Gorgens, Eric Bastos



Further application of using a personal laser scanner and simultaneous localization and mapping technology to estimate the log’s volume and its comparison with traditional methods

 de Miguel-Díez, Felipe ; Reder, Stefan ; Wallor, Evelyn ; Bahr, Henrik ; Blasko, Lubomir ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Cremer, Tobias



Detection of Windthrown Tree Stems on UAV-Orthomosaics Using U-Net Convolutional Networks

Reder, Stefan ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Albert, Nicole ; Waßermann, Lilli ; Miranda, Luis



Long Range and High-Speed Personal Laser Scanning (PLS) and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technology in Roundwood Measurement

de Miguel-Díez, Felipe ; Reder, Stefan ; Wallor, Evelyn ; Bahr, Henrik ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Cremer, Tobias



Charcoal heaps volume estimation based on unmanned aerial vehicles

Esteves de Carvalho, Luiza Marina ; Melo, Alessandra ; de Matos Umbelino, Glauco José ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Gomes dos Santos, Jhonathan ; Rosette, Jacqueline ; Silveira, Daniel ; Gorgens, Eric Bastos



Advantages of 360° Virtual Forest Tours to Supplement Academic Forestry Education

Foehrder, Torben ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Spathelf, Peter



Enhancing Quality of Life through Sustainable Urban Transformation in Cambodia: Introduction to the Build4People Project

Waibel, Michael ; Blöbaum, Anke ; Matthies, Ellen ; Schwede, Dirk ; Messerschmidt, Rolf ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Katzschner, Lutz ; Jayaweera, Ravi ; Becker, Annalena ; Karagianni, Christina ; McKenna, Amelie ; Lambrecht, Oliver ; Rivera, Marcelo ; Kupski, Sebastian



Remote sensing and GIS based ecological modelling of potential red deer habitats in the test site region DEMMIN (TERENO)

McKenna, Amelie ; Schultz, Alfred ; Borg, Erik ; Neumann, Matthias ; Mund, Jan-Peter



Phnom Penh: Urban Development Towards a Green City

Mund, Jan-Peter ; Waibel, Michael ; Sanara, Hor ; Jayaweera, Ravi



Automated operational logging plan considering multi-criteria optimization

Görgens, Eric Bastos ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Cremer, Tobias ; de Conto, Tiago ; Krause, Stuart ; Valbuena, Ruben ; Estraviz Rodriguez, Luiz Carlos



UAV-Based Photogrammetric Tree Height Measurement for Intensive Forest Monitoring

Krause, Stuart ; Sanders, Tanja G. M. ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Greve, Klaus