Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan-Peter Mund

Professur GIS und Fernerkundung

Academic career


Forschungsprofessur an der Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde.

Memberships & committee activities

Mitglied des "Biosphere Reserves Institutes" (BRI) an der HNEE



Charcoal heaps volume estimation based on unmanned aerial vehicles

Esteves de Carvalho, Luiza Marina ; Melo, Alessandra ; de Matos Umbelino, Glauco José ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Gomes dos Santos, Jhonathan ; Rosette, Jacqueline ; Silveira, Daniel ; Gorgens, Eric Bastos



Further application of using a personal laser scanner and simultaneous localization and mapping technology to estimate the log’s volume and its comparison with traditional methods

 de Miguel-Díez, Felipe ; Reder, Stefan ; Wallor, Evelyn ; Bahr, Henrik ; Blasko, Lubomir ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Cremer, Tobias



Detection of Windthrown Tree Stems on UAV-Orthomosaics Using U-Net Convolutional Networks

Reder, Stefan ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Albert, Nicole ; Waßermann, Lilli ; Miranda, Luis



Long Range and High-Speed Personal Laser Scanning (PLS) and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) Technology in Roundwood Measurement

de Miguel-Díez, Felipe ; Reder, Stefan ; Wallor, Evelyn ; Bahr, Henrik ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Cremer, Tobias



Charcoal heaps volume estimation based on unmanned aerial vehicles

Esteves de Carvalho, Luiza Marina ; Melo, Alessandra ; de Matos Umbelino, Glauco José ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Gomes dos Santos, Jhonathan ; Rosette, Jacqueline ; Silveira, Daniel ; Gorgens, Eric Bastos



Advantages of 360° Virtual Forest Tours to Supplement Academic Forestry Education

Foehrder, Torben ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Spathelf, Peter



Enhancing Quality of Life through Sustainable Urban Transformation in Cambodia: Introduction to the Build4People Project

Waibel, Michael ; Blöbaum, Anke ; Matthies, Ellen ; Schwede, Dirk ; Messerschmidt, Rolf ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Katzschner, Lutz ; Jayaweera, Ravi ; Becker, Annalena ; Karagianni, Christina ; McKenna, Amelie ; Lambrecht, Oliver ; Rivera, Marcelo ; Kupski, Sebastian



Remote sensing and GIS based ecological modelling of potential red deer habitats in the test site region DEMMIN (TERENO)

McKenna, Amelie ; Schultz, Alfred ; Borg, Erik ; Neumann, Matthias ; Mund, Jan-Peter



Phnom Penh: Urban Development Towards a Green City

Mund, Jan-Peter ; Waibel, Michael ; Sanara, Hor ; Jayaweera, Ravi



Automated operational logging plan considering multi-criteria optimization

Görgens, Eric Bastos ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Cremer, Tobias ; de Conto, Tiago ; Krause, Stuart ; Valbuena, Ruben ; Estraviz Rodriguez, Luiz Carlos



UAV-Based Photogrammetric Tree Height Measurement for Intensive Forest Monitoring

Krause, Stuart ; Sanders, Tanja G. M. ; Mund, Jan-Peter ; Greve, Klaus