Information for international students

We are delighted that you have decided to study or spend an exchange semester at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development! On this page you will find information to help you settle in and study with us.

Entry and visa

To study in Germany, you need a visa for study purposes, which must be converted into a long-term residence permit after arrival. Students from member states of the European Union and from some other countries may enter Germany without a visa. Students who are not citizens of the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, but who are allowed to enter Germany without a visa, must apply for a residence permit for a stay of more than three months within three months, for which proof of financial means is required.

Be prepared to pay a visa fee and find out in advance about the specific entry requirements that apply to your country.

A tourist visa is not sufficient for enrolment at HNEE.

Enrolment at HNEE is also only possible with a valid visa or residence permit for studying at HNE Eberswalde. If you already have a residence permit for a degree programme at another university, please contact the relevant immigration authority before applying to our university to arrange your transfer.

How do I get a visa?

Once you have received confirmation of receipt from HNE Eberswalde, you can apply for a student applicant visa. We strongly advise you to contact the German Embassy as soon as possible in case of longer processing times. Please do not wait until you have received your letter of admission. If you are admitted, the applicant visa can be converted into a residence permit for study purposes.

Further information on current entry requirements and application forms can be found on the homepage of the Federal Foreign Office.

The DAAD also provides a helpful and detailed guide.


Accommodation in Eberswalde

Before you start your studies, we advise you to look around for accommodation. There are numerous options for renting a flat or room in Eberswalde and the surrounding area or Berlin. When looking for accommodation, it is a good idea to enquire about public transport connections, proximity to the campus, shopping facilities, etc. in the place you are planning to live.

Haustür von Wohnheim

Study financing

When you apply for a visa, you must provide proof of sufficient financial means to study in Germany. As a rule, this proof must cover living expenses for the first year in Germany amounting to approx. 11,208 € (as of 01.01.2023). The German embassy in your home country can provide you with further and binding information about the required amount.

Proof of your financial security can be provided in the following ways

  • Proof of parental income/assets

  • Savings deposited in a blocked account (max. €934/month available per month)

  • the immigration authority receives confirmation that a person resident in Germany is covering the costs of your stay

  • Scholarship from a recognised scholarship foundation

  • Sponsorship: A company, organisation or private individual (based in Germany) agrees to cover all costs for the period of study in Germany

How much money do I need?

The exact cost of living depends on your lifestyle and your choice of residence (Berlin or Eberswalde). The following list should serve as a guide:

Monthly expenses

Rent, food, health insurance, medicines, books, entertainment

~600 to 800 €/ month

Semester fee

includes administrative fees and the semester ticket for public transport

~370 €/ semester

Please note: Depending on which bank you have chosen, it may not be possible to access the blocked account immediately after your arrival in Germany. Please make sure that you have approx. 600 € cash with you when you arrive in order to be able to pay the first costs (rent, food).

First semester brochure "get startet"

Tips, tricks and contact persons

This brochure will give you an overview. It contains information on university procedures, life in Eberswalde and the surrounding area, offers and initiatives of the university and the city and much more!

get startet

Health insurance

All German and international students must provide proof of adequate health insurance cover. For this purpose, the university requires an electronic notification from a statutory German health insurance company in order to be able to enrol you.

We recommend that you take care of health insurance cover in Germany immediately after you have been admitted to study, which is valid from the start of the semester. You can contact the various health insurance companies online or by telephone via their portals before you enter Germany. In some cases, health insurance policies taken out in your home country can be recognised in Germany.

Travel health insurance is not recognised.

Information on health insurance

If there is a social security agreement between Germany and your home country (including the member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area), the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will be accepted.
If you would like to register with your insurance from your European home country, please contact any statutory health insurance company (e.g. Barmer, DAK, Techniker Krankenkasse, etc.) and ask for an electronic notification of your insurance status to the HNE Eberswalde. The health insurance company needs the sender number of the HNE Eberswalde: H0002016.

Sometimes private health insurances from other countries are also recognised. Please contact a statutory health insurance company in Germany, which must check whether you have sufficient insurance cover in order to be able to confirm your exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation. Please also request electronic notification of your insurance status from the HNE Eberswalde. The health insurance company requires the sender number of the HNE Eberswalde: H0002016.

However, once you have been exempted from statutory health insurance, it is no longer possible to switch to a statutory health insurance company for the duration of your studies in Germany.

Enrolment without electronic notification from the health insurance company is not possible.

If you are not insured with a health insurance company recognised in Germany, you must take out insurance here. You can choose between various statutory and private health insurance policies. We generally recommend taking out statutory health insurance.


Statutory health insurance


This is particularly interesting for students who are under 30 years old and are not studying in Germany for longer than 14 semesters: The insurance at the student rate costs approx. 120 euros per month (please note: minimum contract term 18 months) and covers all medical services during your stay without you having to pay in advance. After you have completed your registration, please ask the health insurance company to send an electronic notification of your insurance status to our university. The health insurance company requires the sender number of HNE Eberswalde: H0002016.
Enrolment without electronic notification from the health insurance company is not possible.


Private health insurance


Private health insurance could be a good option if you are over 30 years old. Then you can no longer take out statutory insurance at the favourable student rate. You can still take out statutory insurance, but at a higher rate. Please inform yourself well about the offers of private health insurance companies.

If you decide in favour of private insurance, please note the following:

  • Private insurance can be very cheap in the first year, but premiums increase with each year.
  • Private health insurance at student rates does not necessarily cover all benefits and does not cover the costs of pre-existing conditions. Read the terms and conditions very carefully.
  • You must pay all medical bills in advance and can submit the receipts to the insurance company later for reimbursement. If you have statutory health insurance, the doctor's surgery will bill the health insurance company directly.
  • If you have opted for private health insurance, you cannot return to statutory insurance during your studies.
  • If your contract is limited in time and you require expensive treatment during the insurance period, the private health insurance company may refuse to extend the insurance period. Therefore, make sure that you take out the contract for the entire duration of your studies.

If you would like to register with a private health insurance company, please contact a statutory health insurance company in Germany, which must check whether you have sufficient insurance cover so that it can then confirm your exemption from the statutory health insurance obligation. Please also request electronic notification of your insurance status from HNE Eberswalde. The health insurance company requires the sender number of the HNE Eberswalde: H0002016.

It is not possible to register without electronic notification from the health insurance company.

According to German law (199a SGB V), health insurance funds and universities are jointly responsible for reporting the health insurance status of students. This means that notifications in paper form are no longer accepted. If you are insured with a statutory health insurance company at the time of enrolment, please contact your health insurance company and provide them with our sender number (H0002016) so that they can inform us of your insurance status. If you are insured with a private health insurance company at the time of enrolment, please contact any statutory health insurance company and provide them with our sender number (H0002016) and they will inform us of your private insurance status.

Semester dates & start of studies

Introductory week

To get you off to a good start, we begin the lecture period with the induction week.

During this week, you will get to know the university, your fellow students and the city of Eberswalde. During this week, you will familiarise yourself with the various portals, formalities and support services for your time at university. We will celebrate the matriculation ceremony followed by a freshers' rally and party.

Don't miss it!

Feierlicher Wintersemesterstart

Welcome Programme

The Welcome Programme of the Welcome Center of the Student Services & International Office brings international students together with students of HNE Eberswalde free of charge for all participants in order to facilitate their integration into Eberswalde (student) life and to promote intercultural exchange. International students receive support with, among other things

  • pick-up from Eberswalde train station & moving in/out of accommodation
  • Dealing with authorities, banking transactions, taking out health insurance, etc.
  • orientation at HNEE (campus tour, enrolment, introduction to the campus management system and portal, explanation of university terms, presentation of student initiatives, etc.)
  • Orientation in everyday life (shopping and leisure activities, introduction to public transport, visits to the doctor, etc.)

The Welcome Programme also organises a number of events for international students during the semester, e.g. introduction event, welcome event, Christmas party, hikes, etc.

Registration for the Welcome Programme:


Welcome Team for International Students

of the Student Services & International Office

Consultation hours:

Please make an appointment with us by e-mail.

Stadtcampus | House 5 ground floor, right-hand side

Schicklerstraße 5 | 16225 Eberswalde

+ 49 3334 657-149
