HNEE receives award for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

On 8 May 2023, the HNEE received the National Award - Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the category "Learning Places".

HNEE awarded as a place of learning

The Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences (HNEE) receives the National Award - Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the category "Places of Learning". The prize is awarded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Commission for UNESCO (DUK) and as part of the UNESCO programme "BNE 2030". The HNEE convinced the jury by its exemplary commitment and holistic approach to ESD as well as its pioneering role in the development and implementation of higher education for sustainable development.

Prof. Dr. Uta Steinhardt, Vice-President for Studies and Teaching, and student Vice-President Selena Dami accepted the award in Berlin yesterday evening, 8 May 2023, from Dr. Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and Prof. Dr. Maria Böhmer, President of the DUK. "We are extremely pleased that our multifaceted activities in the field of education for sustainable development have been recognised with this award. At the HNEE, teachers and students work intensively together. This award is due to all those active in ESD at our university and gives us further impetus to consistently continue on this path," says the Vice President for Studies and Teaching. A total of three initiatives were awarded in each of the categories "places of learning", "educational landscapes" and "multipliers", and one prize was awarded in the "newcomer" category.

Science Minister Dr. Manja Schüle congratulates on the award: "The HNEE is often called 'Germany's greenest university'. But it has become much more than that: it develops solutions for the urgent questions of a sustainable way of life and economy - practical, strong in research and forward-looking. For this, the German UNESCO Commission and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research have now awarded the 'National Prize - Education for Sustainable Development'. My recommendation: If you want to make a concrete contribution to a more sustainable world: Simply come to Brandenburg and study at the HNEE. Because solutions for the future are being developed here. Congratulations on this absolutely deserved prize!"

ESD is firmly anchored in the HNEE's mission statement and has been an integral part of the diverse study programmes for many years. The holistic educational approach is promoted through the close interlinking of teaching, research and transfer as well as a wide range of sustainability transfer formats in teaching and research.
The prize money of 10,000 euros is to be used to establish a series of events called "Festival of Deeds", in which actors from civil society come together with representatives from politics and science as well as committed young people and private individuals to discuss, plan and initiate concrete contributions to a sustainability transformation together. The aim is to create a common learning space in which new ideas and projects are not only developed theoretically, but also put into practice.


About the HNEE
The University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde (HNEE) is a driving force for sustainable development with its holistic sustainable orientation, its unique range of courses geared to future-relevant topics and as a strong institution in the field of sustainability research. Around 2,300 students from about 60 nations study and more than 400 employees teach, research and work at the modern campus university. The mission of the HNEE is to drive the transformation towards a sustainable society by developing viable model solutions and equipping students with the necessary design skills.


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