Innovative university: HNEE is part of it

It is now official. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) is part of the only joint project from Brandenburg in the federal-state initiative "Innovative University". Digitalisation and sustainable development will be promoted in and for the region in future.

15 million euros will flow into the joint project "InNoWest - einfach machen" from 2023. Together with the universities of applied sciences from Brandenburg an der Havel and Potsdam, the HNEE has thus prevailed among 165 applications. "We are the only association from Brandenburg to have succeeded," says Prof Dr Alexander Pfriem, Vice President for Research and Transfer in Eberswalde.
The three universities want to use the funding to realise transfer projects in North-West Brandenburg that will improve the quality of life and develop the region for the future. Innovation teams made up of scientists and local stakeholders from politics, administration, municipalities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and civil society will work together in the three planning regions of Uckermark-Barnim, Prignitz-Oberhavel and Havelland-Fläming. "For example, they support municipalities in developing strategies for digital services of general interest and the use of digital data or in converting regional, representative building types with sustainable building materials such as wood and clay," says Alexander Pfriem. Citizens can become active themselves and develop sustainability solutions for their municipalities that are based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are orientated towards them. "Just do it is an appeal to everyone who wants to make a difference in rural areas," emphasises Prof. Dr Benjamin Nölting. To this end, the universities have distinctive expertise in various areas. "These include ecological sustainability at HNEE, expertise in social transformation processes at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences and the combination of technology and business at Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences," says the Head of the HNEE Research Centre for Sustainability| Transformation| Transfer.

About the Innovative University funding initiative
The "Innovative University" ("Innovative Hochschule") is a funding initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Joint Science Conference (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz, GWK). It focuses on the mission of "transfer and innovation" and is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized universities and universities of applied sciences. In this second funding round, the federal-state initiative has selected a total of 55 universities for funding in 16 individual and 13 collaborative projects. These include 39 universities of applied sciences, 3 universities of art and music and 13 universities and teacher training colleges.
The "Innovative University" programme helps to turn research findings in all scientific disciplines into even more efficient creative solutions for the pressing challenges of our time. A regional focus is particularly important here: universities make an important contribution to innovation in their region. On the one hand, they make knowledge available regionally through teaching and research; on the other hand, they take up ideas and specific issues from their surroundings and develop innovative products and services with their partners. Funding is provided in a 90:10 ratio by the federal and state governments. At least half of the funding and at least half of the funding cases should be allocated to universities of applied sciences or consortia coordinated by a university of applied sciences.