Starting signal for new milestone project in the area of start-ups
On 1 August 2021, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) launched its largest start-up funding project to date - the StartupLab. The new StartupLab creates a scientific and technical framework for the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and a practice-oriented start-up culture at HNEE.
(Kopie 1)
The start-up activities at HNEE are picking up speed - modern and multi-sensory equipped, the StartupLab offers a creative area, a co-working area and a technical area on more than 150 m² and thus plenty of space for the development of creative and innovative new (start-up) ideas.
The StartupLab is more than just another working environment.
In collaboration with regional practice partners, new research and start-up spaces are being established to promote creativity and innovation. The university's start-up support structures are thus to be better networked regionally and become more practice-orientated. New decentralised innovation locations make it possible to pursue start-up activities in the region in suitable creative environments with direct contact to practice.
As before, university members are supported in their start-up ideas through individual counselling. In addition, they can now try them out in practice in a working environment designed for this purpose both inside and outside HNEE.
Over the course of the project, new compulsory elective modules and new event formats will be developed with a focus on entrepreneurship education. The aim is to sustainably integrate the start-up-promoting structures into the university's research and teaching activities. The aim is to achieve an interdisciplinary exchange between university members.
The StartupLab is organisationally located within HNEE InnoSupport Forschung I Gründung I Transfer. The project will be funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) over the next four years.
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