Social Entrepreneurship Competition in Tourism 2022: Applications open until 18 July

The ten finalist teams will receive eight weeks of 1-on-1 and peer-to-peer coaching from selected international experts. They will also receive access to specialised e-learning courses and online training, the regular participation fees for which normally amount to 10,000 euros.

The Social Entrepreneurship Competition in Tourism will enter its fourth round in 2022. Following the start of registration on 1 June, applications for participation are now open until 18 July. In the competition, participants can submit their ideas for social entrepreneurship in tourism and thus help shape its sustainable future through innovation. The concept of the Social Entrepreneurship Competition in Tourism is the first of its kind in the world. Another save-the-date is the kick-off event on 13 June, which offers the opportunity to get to know this year's partners. The award ceremony will take place on 28 November 2022.

The focus of the competition is to provide social entrepreneurs from around the world with access to expertise and international visibility and aims to strengthen entrepreneurs and communities in the respective destinations, promote their growth and give them access to the market. It is open to all those who place a social and environmental mission at the centre of their business plan and are passionate about finding solutions to the challenges facing the tourism and hospitality sector. The competition is aimed at both individuals and teams - nationally and internationally.

This year, participants can once again rely on a strong network of partners and supporters: The 2022 competition is sponsored by the TUI Care Foundation and supported by the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Travel Massive, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, SINA, Teejit and, of course, ITB Berlin. The Social Entrepreneurship Competition is organised by gUG.


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