Logbook of changes in the third Corona winter

At the beginning of the year, the research team at the [Sustainability - Transformation - Transfer] Research Centre at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) is once again calling on all interested citizens to make diary entries in the Logbook of Change. All observations and reflections on everyday changes are welcome. The entries so far have been analysed in seven master's theses and three discussion papers and examined from the perspective of sustainability.

Corona pandemic, energy shortages, climate crisis. Global challenges are part of everyday social life, such as the coronavirus pandemic, which are prompting us to rethink our everyday routines.

In March 2020, the [Sustainability - Transformation - Transfer] research centre launched the "Logbook of Change" diary study. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,432 logbook entries have already been collected. They show which everyday routines had to be changed in different ways and how the changes are assessed individually. In the data analysis, 30 everyday practices were reconstructed and secondary consequences of the changes were described. For example, participants described their changed mobility behaviour and the impact on other areas of life:

"I have the impression that the trains are still a bit emptier compared to pre-corona times, at least in rush hour. And that's very pleasant." Others assess their observations: "The mood is changing. In my view, the long period in "crisis mode" has led to an extremely negative attitude towards everything among many people."

There are plans to involve the logbook writers more closely in the coming months. Thanks to funding from the Hans Sauer Foundation, logbook writers can be more closely involved in the evaluation. The results so far will be interpreted together with citizens in online workshops. A particular focus will be on how the everyday changes that are particularly conducive to sustainability can be strengthened. At the beginning of May, the findings of the citizen science project will be presented at a final conference at the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. All logbook writers are cordially invited to attend the conference. The dates will be communicated via the project newsletter and the website.

How can you take part?

The "Log book of Changes" has been available online since 16 October 2022 with a new survey wave. Although attention for corona in everyday life is declining, 18 logbook writers have already contributed detailed documentation. Citizens can document pseudonymised changes in everyday life due to current crises. It is not possible to draw conclusions about the logbook writers.

The logbook team includes Dr Bettina König, Prof Dr Benjamin Nölting and Hannah Wiemers.


Quotes from the logbook of changes:

"Due to a LongCovid disease, I have hardly been able to leave the house for two years. Mobility no longer plays a role for me." (16.10.2022)

"Petrol prices are high due to the war in Ukraine! I think carefully about when I use my car. Three weeks ago, I cycled 2 x 2km to an event in the neighbouring village in perfect weather." (05.04.2022)

"Nothing has changed for me in terms of mobility because I haven't owned a car for many years, over 20, and use either public transport or my bike. In my environment, I have noticed that even the most stubborn car drivers are switching to cycling or public transport more often because of the sometimes very high fuel costs. ..." (17.10.2022)


Online University Information Day 2022 at HNEE

HNEE welcomes prospective students to the Online University Information Day (Online-HIT) on Saturday, 22 January 2022, between 9:15 am and 4:30 pm.

(Kopie 1)





Online University Information Day 2022 at HNEE: live programme presentations, StudyTalk and traditional advice sessions

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) welcomes prospective students to the Online University Information Day (Online-HIT) on Saturday, 22 January 2022, between 9:15 am and 4:30 pm. The offer is aimed at school leavers and prospective students, but also at teachers and parents who would like to obtain comprehensive information and live advice on the wide range of courses on offer, as well as on life in Eberswalde, from the comfort of their own home.

Despite the distance, the focus of the online HIT is on personal counselling and direct interaction with lecturers, students and university staff. Whether questions about study programmes, opportunities on the job market or how good it is to study and live in Eberswalde - prospective students can find out all this and much more in the virtual rooms. In live programme presentations and live chats, professors, students and university staff will provide first-hand information.

The General Student Advisory Service, the International Office, the Family-Friendly University and the Frankfurt/Oder Student Union will provide information on admission requirements, studying abroad, studying with family commitments, BAföG and student residences. Sufficient time will be set aside at the individual events to answer any questions prospective students may have.

It is not necessary to register for the online events.


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The photos available here may be used for reporting purposes. Please note the copyright notice © Unsplash / Zoran Borojevic