Invitation to the rbb24-Forum "Regional - First Choice?
How regional food producers are fighting for survival

How regional food producers are struggling to survive
Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 15:00 - 17:00, Stadtcampus, Haus 1, Room 01.011 and Foyer

Economic influences such as inflation and crises such as the energy crisis are putting a strain on our society. As a result, the cost of living is rising for everyone. For many people, the price increases are threatening their livelihoods. This also applies to many regional food producers. Rising costs cause higher prices. This means falling sales, as customers react to falling purchasing power by switching to cheaper products. Regional food producers reacted to the difficult situation with a campaign before Christmas. The rbb24 forum discusses the impact. The current situation of regional producers will also be discussed. It will be analysed from various perspectives such as business, science and politics.

Forum guests

  • Axel Vogel, Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection
    of the State of Brandenburg
  • Prof. Dr Anna Maria Häring, Department of Policy and Markets in the
    Agricultural and
    Food Industry, HNEE
  • Sebastian Kühn, Managing Director EWG Eberswalder Wurst GmbH
  • Dorothee Berger, Managing Director Christine Berger GmbH
  • Lucas Lütke-Schwienhorst, Managing Director Gut Ogrosen
  • Marcus Reh, Head of Regional Purchasing Berlin/Brandenburg,
    Sachsen-Anhalt EDEKA

The forum is an event organised by HNEE and rbb24 Inforadio. The discussion will be recorded by rbb24 Inforadio and broadcast on 29 January 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the "Forum".
Prior registration is not required.


Note on image material
The photos available here may be used in the context of reporting. Please note the copyright notice © HNEE / Michael Handelmann